Permalink to EU Year of Youth European Year of Youth 2022

Permalink to EU Year of Youth European Year of Youth:
Permalink to EU Year of Youth European Year of Youth,
the Saturday 05 February 2022 Permalink to EU Year of Youth European Year of Youth 12:00 – 14:00
Young people from both Greece and other EU member states will participate in the Conference, Cyprus, Luxembourg, France, Italy and Bulgaria, with the aim of collecting as wide a range of opinions and proposals as possible regarding the formulation of policies in the European Union.
The European Information Centers Europe Direct Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Thessaloniki, Epirus, Thessaly, Ionian Islands and North Aegean, which are part of the Europe Direct Greece Network, on the occasion of declaration of 2022, by the European Commission, as "European Year of Youth" co-organize, with the support of the Office of the European Parliament in Greece, Conference on the Future of Europe entitled:
The youth, from the twelve regions of the EU, they will discuss the individual topics: – DRO local – DRO national and European – Women: from inequality to equal participation, in non-urban areas
The implementation of the Conference will take place entirely online and the language of communication will be English.
The aim of the Conference is:
- the greatest possible participation of young people from all over the European Union and the collection of their views, on how they perceive EU policies, and their suggestions,
- highlighting the possibility of developing partnerships between EU bodies and organizations, which operate for the benefit of European citizens and
- the collection and presentation of the opinions and proposals of young European citizens, with a different political and cultural background that highlights the diversity of the European Union.
The Conference will be streamed live via the Facebook page: