Category: Labour Market

Online event "Women's Contribution to Rural Development: Funding Perspectives and Tools»

Thursday, 6 April 2023 18:00 records: Learn more: Co-organizers Europe Direct Peloponnisos – Sustainable CityEuropeDirect Thessaly With support from the European Commission in Greece and the Office of the European Parliament in...

The OAED Employment supports and promotes Networking and Mobility Opportunities in Greece and Europe

The OAED Employment supports and promotes Networking and Mobility Opportunities in Greece and Europe

PRESS RELEASE EUROPE DIRECT Thessaly REGION UNDER PARTICIPATION IN EVENTS "The OAED Employment supports and promotes Networking and Mobility Opportunities in Greece and Europe" Larissa Thessaly Region, Regional...

Investment 100 million. euro to strengthen 69 small innovative companies

Investment 100 million. euro to strengthen 69 small innovative companies

The European Commission today published the list with 69 innovative small businesses 21 countries, which will receive a total 100 million for Phase 2 Mechanism for Small and Medium...